Cryptic’s revenge: Borg assimilate everyone in end of beta event

26 01 2010

Sulu's dead, baby. Sulu's dead.

Cryptic, deciding to go for broke, sent a massive Borg invasion into occupied territories tonight (Jan. 26), closing the beta test for Star Trek Online in an orgy of violence, screaming and chaos.

Sector space, normally a sedate place filled with ships going to and fro to their various destinations (and the occasional random encounter) became rife with peril, as massive Borg cubes and spheres roamed about, laying waste to whatever they encountered. Nearly all the Borg vessels were at or above max level (50), and made short work of any Federation and Klingon vessels foolhardy enough to close to within firing range.

The situation was no better on Earth’s Spacedock, the primary hub of activity. Legions of Borg drones overwhelmed the starbase, and while many fell, there were simply too many of them.

Naturally, many players screamed bloody murder.

In quite possibly the most priceless game-wide admin message sent during the open beta, a dev stated that they hoped players enjoyed the end-of-beta event, and looked forward to reading players’ feedback on the topic.

Risa was unaffected.



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